What’s behind the secret door?

  • old-door-6304187
  • What is beyond this hidden door? 
  • What secrets does it hide?
  • Where does it lead to? 
  • How long since someone last passed through it? 
  • Would you be brave enough to venture through it?

Complete the mystery story opener

Ali stood silently, looking at the door.  With a slow creaking sound, it opened.  Taking a deep breath, Ali  walked inside … secret door


11 thoughts on “What’s behind the secret door?”

  1. It will lead to a narrow, long corridor, all types of trapdoors and other traps like that. The secrets it hides are gold and silver beyond your wildest dreams.The very last time someone went through was 1033. Only you will be the one to go inside next if you would like to see for yourself…

  2. I think that it is like Jurassic park is behind this door filled with dinosaurs. Millions people have gone through the door clueless to what they might find behind the door all they can do is imagine it before they have even seen what is there ! But little do they know what is going to happen to them …… the dinosaurs will feast !! It was only last night when a middle aged man named Robert Street crept through the old creepy, creaky door and suddenly a T-Rex swoops down and gobbles him up …….. I might be brave enough to go the the mysterious door but i am not entirely sure ! I think this is a job for Indiana Jones …… But will he be brave enough to do it ?

  3. I think that it is like Jurassic park behind this door filled with dinosaurs. Millions of people have gone through the door clueless to what they might find behind it, all they can do is imagine it before they have even seen what is there ! But little do they know what is going to happen to them …… the dinosaurs will feast !! It was only last night when a middle aged man named Robert Street crept through the old creepy, creaky door and suddenly a T-Rex swoops down and gobbles him up …….. I might be brave enough to go the the mysterious door but I am not entirely sure ! I think this is a job for Indiana Jones …… But will he be brave enough to do it ?

  4. I think that the door leads to an endless passage that takes you 1 year to finish at the end there is a series of traps that lead you to a place that is beyond anybody’s imagination . The last time someone entered was 1101,they never came back ! Behind the door lies secrets …

  5. I think that it leads to a path were all the great footballers played and if you train in it you will become a great footballer like Messi,Ronaldo and Neymar,and be a professional footballer

  6. I think it will lead to an endless maze with obsticals like ninja warrior but if you fall you don’t land in water you land in a pit of snakes! No one has come out alive or reached the prize.but what lies at the end of the maze/course is golden couns worth millions upon millions of pounds and the big prize is a dimond which is as big as a bungalow and is worth trillions of pounds . But is any one brave enough to risk there life to be a millionaire.

  7. Well done everyone, some very imaginative ideas.
    We will be developing them today and maing a story map.

    Would you go through the door?
    What if the thing behind the door is different for every person?

  8. I think it leads to a very secret lair where James Bond goes when he is not on a mission and hides the treasure from the villains. I think I would go in the lair.

  9. I think behind the door is a big cave full of secret passages some hold traps that will hold you forever and some will be good like they will grant you wishes and some will let you go home.

  10. It could lead to a magical secret creepy woods but everything is haunted it is not sunny it is a stormy rainy thundery every day and night you can hear witches cackling and doors opening and shutting!!!

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