Haigh Hall woodlan adventure day

What an amazing day! Lighting fires, building dens, willow weaving and not to mention roasting marshmellows on the campfire. I’d like to give a special mention to our excellent parent helpers: Mrs Jukes, Mrs Fitzpatrick and Ms Golden.  It was great from start to finish, despite our aching feet after the walk there and back. 

What was you favourite part?


What’s behind the secret door?

  • old-door-6304187
  • What is beyond this hidden door? 
  • What secrets does it hide?
  • Where does it lead to? 
  • How long since someone last passed through it? 
  • Would you be brave enough to venture through it?

Complete the mystery story opener

Ali stood silently, looking at the door.  With a slow creaking sound, it opened.  Taking a deep breath, Ali  walked inside … secret door